Get your ideas across by presenting them the right way Your ability to present ideas in a precise, articulate and convincing manner makes a huge…
Une startup a environ 9 chances sur 10 de se planter. Et la majorité se plante non pas parce qu’elles n’arrivent pas a construire le…
I recently attended the Lean Startup Machine workshop in London. WOW. What an experience. 2.5 days of immersion to develop an idea into a viable…
As part of the design course by Karl T. Ulrich (pictured) that I follow on (great site btw, which is changing access to knowledge…
It’s been a year since I first presented to Paris X university students a Digital Marketing overview. Today I had the chance to refine and…
While doing research, I found those two pieces very insightful on how to define your marketing budget: The marketing budget and how to define it: build your…
Simple and on spot. This funny video is a bit of fresh air for the marketing class. Those are the concepts: 1. You see a…
This is a post for my students at the Master of Business and Management at University Paris 10 Nanterre la Defense. It aims to introduce…