Confucius progress on twitter
Time for a quick update on confucius140, my little Chinese wisdom experiment on twitter. To make Confucius more findable, I added hash tags to each quote when room allowed it. I still didn’t promote the account in anyway.
Follower and re-tweets, the 2 metrics I am looking at, have been progressing slowly.
Number of followers is now 45, some of them are marketing spam but some of them are relevant users that re-tweet and engage with the proposition.
Not sure what is the best way to count effectively the number of re-tweet. This is a good indicator to measure the engagement of the followers (a re-tweet/tweet ratio). Another good indicator is the number of followfriday / recommendations is the account getting. A few sites are providing some analysis and ranking:
Checkretweet is ranking the account as: Retweet rank: 6571- approx 86.33 percentile.
TwitterGrader is ranking the account as 75 over 100.
Twinfluence is giving some insight about the social network linked to the account:
2nd-order followers: 318,935
Velocity: 5,407 second-order followers/day
Social Capital: 7,087.4 +1.1 High
Centralization: 18.00% / 0.0 Average – Resilient
The definitions of the term, and how they are computed are explained here.
Most of those stats are missing a clear engagement metrics. From my perspective user or follower engagement can be measured with number of re-tweets, mentions and direct replies that the account is getting. Or may be I just haven’t found the service measuring this.