Confucius still tweeting
Confucius is still tweeting – or the bot behind Confucius140 twitter account is. I adapted it recently to support the new twitter API and just fixed the auto-follow of followers. After a year an a half of activity, confucius140 has now 772 followers and is in 51 lists. Follower progression was fast between Oct’09 and July’10 and is now back to a lower more steady rate.
I hope to be able to celebrate the first 1000 soon. But more interesting that the number of followers is the amount of re-tweet. Most of the Confucius tweets seems to be re-tweeted once or twice. A re-tweet means that someone actually read the tweet and decided to share it with the rest of their followers. Quite an endorsement.
According to the retweet rank is an indicator of how frequently you are retweeted. @confucius140 is 91481st most-retweeted user on Twitter. Out of about 50m active users, that’s pretty good.
Confucius said: I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. So the experiment continues…