WordPress as a base for building web applications quickly
WordPress has grown a lot in the past years to become on the most popular platform for web application. TechCrunch runs on it, and it’s used by CNN and other high traffic websites.
From a software development perspective, it provides out of the box a lot of the standard features a web application needs – such as sign-up, login, forgot password, navigation, content editing, photo sliders.
This leads me to consider using wordpress as a base for building web application. It does provide the standard feature a web app needs and can be extended to support more features.
Here are some of good articles I have found on the case:
- How to articulate MVC structure within wordpress. Recude most controlers to the actions of, Create, Read, Update and Delete in the database. I think this is true for 95% of your models.
My Thoughts on Building Web Applications with WordPress - “I don’t want to be the 3.434.533th developer to build a login/password recovery functionality for his web site. This is why I go for WP”
To use WordPress for developing a web application? (stackoverflow) - A more balanced view on the question is wordpress MVC ? The answer: no, but…
Is WordPress MVC compliant? (stackoverflow)