Quand 75% du marché de l’emploi est dit caché avec des recrutements qui ne sont pas publics, comment favoriser le retour à l’emploi ? C’est…
I recently finished another online course: Lean Analytics by Alistair Croll & Ben Yoskovitz, authors of the book of the same name. Those guys are…
So, the Lean Canvas is making it’s way into people mind. You can create and edit yours on the Lean Stack website. I had a…
Beyond the +1, Like and Tweet button, here are 3 ideas to sell or market your online service on social media platform. 1- Broadcast –…
Previously, Twitter search results were only offered according to time, not any form of relevancy. “We want to make real-time search even more valuable by…
Image by alancleaver_2000 via Flickr Yesterday, I was invited to the You+technology event organised by Olswang, a tech/media law firm. The event regrouped an interesting mix…