Etre entrepreneur au sein d’un grand groupe, c’est à la fois le meilleur mais aussi le pire des deux mondes. C’est ce que dit Yannick…
Learn the story of one of the best “user interfaces” before UI. The London Tube Map. The implications of this design are so profond, in…
To build a business, you need to clearly understand who you can create value for -your customers- and what job are these customers trying to…
“When you have a hammer everything looks like a nail” -Bernard Baruch Here, the hammer is your solution and the nails are your customers. I…
As part of the design course by Karl T. Ulrich (pictured) that I follow on (great site btw, which is changing access to knowledge…
Nice little one too. Feeling the spirit of Christmas, Google is getting it’s own christmas lights.
Well, it was quite simple, I wrote an email, and somewhere in the email I wrote “I attached …” this document. Re-read the email and…
In his gamification lecture on Prof. Kevin Werbach talks about behavioral economics. At the intersection of ecomomics and behaviorism, behavioral economics differs from economics…
I recommend reading ‘The design of everyday things’ by Donald Norman. The book convey a very rich idea. The idea is about putting the user…