Culture Map

The Culture Map in action

This is what I learned using the Culture Map tool with a corporate team. First a bit of context: I have been following Dave Gray’s and Alexander Osterwalder’s work for…

Roads end ahead

Lessons from the ice trade

Today, business leaders worry that a startup is going take their lunch away and that they won’t be able to react. And they are right. If you look what happened…

When to focus on growth?

So, at the Lean Startup Unconference in San Francisco, David Binetti was holding a session on How to know when to step on the gas and focus on growth. He…

Le Lean Startup en 5 citations

Voici 5 citations choisies d’Eric Ries pour capturer les idées derrière le concept de Lean Startup. Ces citations sont du extraite du livre, “Lean Startup“. Le succès, ce n’est pas…

How the Lean Startup is transforming GE

The Lean Startup started as smarter way for startups to build product. Today, the Lean Startup ideas transforms how people think, work and operate together inside organization. The perfect example…

Pourquoi lire Lean Startup d’Eric Ries?

Le livre Lean Startup d’Eric Ries a transformé l’entrepreneuriat et l’innovation. Eric Ries, entrepreneur de la Silicon Valley, tire les leçons des échecs et réussites des startups. Il en extrait…

How to start your pitch

If you either need to raise money, hire or convince a customer, you need explain your idea quickly while making an impact. Here is a series of post on how…