I recently attended the Lean Startup Machine workshop in London. WOW. What an experience. 2.5 days of immersion to develop an idea into a viable…
Earlier this spring, I was in Tunis. I took this opportunity to listen to people’s opinion on the changes that Arabs springs brought, two years…
WordPress has grown a lot in the past years to become on the most popular platform for web application. TechCrunch runs on it, and it’s…
As part of the design course by Karl T. Ulrich (pictured) that I follow on coursera.org (great site btw, which is changing access to knowledge…
3D Printing sounds like science fiction becoming reality. The promise of objects that can appear or be created anywhere. Wherever you are. At home, across…
Nice little one too. Feeling the spirit of Christmas, Google is getting it’s own christmas lights.
Dad : I want you to marry a girl of my choice Son : No !! Dad : the girl is Bill Gates’ daughter Son…
Well, it was quite simple, I wrote an email, and somewhere in the email I wrote “I attached …” this document. Re-read the email and…
It’s been a year since I first presented to Paris X university students a Digital Marketing overview. Today I had the chance to refine and…
As as part of Marketing lectures I am giving to the students about crisis communication, I have gather a set of real life examples that…