Depuis plusieurs années, l’envoi de courrier baisse. Malgré cette baisse, l’un des principaux équipementiers du secteur, Neopost (1,1 milliard de CA en 2014) continue de…
Venu de l’ingénierie de la Silicon Valley, le Lean Startup est en train de révolutionner la façon de créer les startups. Mais pas que. Cette…
Une startup a environ 9 chances sur 10 de se planter. Et la majorité se plante non pas parce qu’elles n’arrivent pas a construire le…
Too often I have seen entrepreneur trying to understand their customer need by sending them … a survey. “Please rank those feature in order of…
How wise entrepreneurs embrace the predictable outcome of their vision to build innovations. A new groundbreaking methodology to create predictable outcome in chaotic situations. Pre-order…
A hard part of customer development doing problem interview. It’s hard because interviewing strangers is not natural and its also actually hard to do the…
Nov-14 2014: Added entry to classify customer into early adopter or not using @Justin_Wilcox definition: someone who is actively trying to solve the problem Talking…
“When you have a hammer everything looks like a nail” -Bernard Baruch Here, the hammer is your solution and the nails are your customers. I…
A few month ago, I started exploring how the Lean Startup principles could be applied to computer game development. This journey lead me to Alexandre…
Hannah Koller just presented her EDHEC Master Thesis on how Luxury companies need and apply business agility concepts. How do the concepts of agility: responsiveness, fluidity, speed,…