What Ash Maurya told us in Paris

Startup people in Paris had a dilemma this week – choosing between two events on the same night: hear the good words from Ash Maurya author of Running Lean or…

Which Canvas for My Project ?

So, RIP the business plan, long live the business model canvas. A new light and fresh tool that helps brings ideas into business. Now canvas and boards are popped up…

Build it and they will come

This is an insightful point from Steve Blanks’ The four steps to the epiphany: successful strategies for products that win He says that a customer development process (which he explain…

The 4 Steps to the Epiphany -by Steve Blank

“No plan survives first contact with customers” – Steve Blank Loved Steve Blanks’ The four steps to the epiphany: successful strategies for products that win it’s long to read, but…

Running Lean -by Ash Maurya

Get Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan that works. It’s the lean and practical handbook on applying those principles to a startup. If you are running a…